Front View
Drone (Version 2):
This is the second revision of the drone I built during the summer. I build this drone around the beginning of the school year of 2016. Most of the electronics are the same as the previous drone with the major exceptions of the motors, ESC’s and Props. The frame is modeled after the DJI Inspire 1 and is made out of 3d printed parts and carbon fiber tubes. I used an online thread to help me with the build:,
Full Specs:
Frame: DJI Inspire based, 3d Prints, Carbon Fiber
Motors: Turnigy Multistar 4108 600kv
ESC’s: Turnigy Plush 30amp ESC with BEC
Flight Controller: Ardupilot Mega (APM) 2.8
GPS: 3dr Ublox GPS
Receiver & Transmitter: FlySky FS-T6 Transmitter And Receiver Combo
Camera: Runcam pz0420m
Video Transmitter: Eachine TS840 40 Channel Transmitter
Battery: Venom 20C 3S 4000mAh 11.1V LiPo
Props: 13 inch carbon fiber T style two blade props
Drone Arm Transition
Drone Motor Test