DVD Drive 3d Printer:
I made this 3d printer for my school's science fair in May 2017. The goal of the project was to have a working 3d printer for as low of a cost as possible. Since each DVD drive has a mechanism for precise linear movement of the laser I was able to repurpose these mechanisms to drive the axis of my printer. Each axis is driven by an easyDriver board and has one endstop. The z axis has two mechanisms and counterweights made out of 9v batteries to offset the weight of the print bed and the y axis. The frame of the 3d Printer is made out of the casings from the DVD drives and some lego parts. The extruder and hotted is repurposed from a cheap 3d printing pen I also found on Ebay. The heater on the hotted is driven by a 5v relay and the dc motor is driven by a pololu board. The arduino is running open source firmware called Teacup which is controlled by Pronterface on my laptop.
Calibrating the thermistor with a bowl full of boiling water:
X Axis Test:
This was a test of the dvd drive for the X axis of the printer, which holds the 3D pen extruder.
Final Presentation: